Friday, August 22, 2008


Whilst chatting to people about the whole charity cycle trek I was surprised to have come across 2 responses more common than any other. The first is people that immediately respond with something along the lines of "you'll never make that, you'll kill yourself" and the other is "that doesnt seem very difficult to me". It took a little while to realise I had to ignore these sorts of statements or I'd be in such a negative state of mind I'd never even set off. I even had one chap tell me it was far to easy and he would only sponsor Steve and I if we carried a heavy weight with us of about 250kg. It became clear at this point that peoples ideas of measurements such as weights and mileages can be a little hazy at times.

However to balance this out there have been a lot of people that are supportive and sponsored me for the trek and to all of those people thank you very much.

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